Brand & Logo Design In Eugene Oregon


You just started a new business, or are looking to expand your current offerings—congrats!

Most likely, you have a million things to manage and consider— not only perfecting your product or services, but bringing in ALL of the other elements to running a successful business. At the end of the day, there seems to be just enough of you and your time and energy to stay afloat.

In all of those to-do lists and essential tasks, you just might be forgetting one of the most important and necessary components to starting a successful business; branding. 

That’s where we come in.

Webster defines branding as, "the promoting of a product or service by identifying it with a particular brand."

But we don’t really think that conveys all of what branding really is. Think of your branding as a handshake– it is often the first opportunity to convert a consumer into a client. How they relate and engage with your brand, is just as important as your offerings when it comes to client retention. How you speak to your clients, the personality that comes across in assets, and the visuals you present, conveys who you are and what you stand for.

Basically, your brand is your first impression.

So making it a good one is of the utmost importance. A good branding strategy implemented in your business will set you apart from all the rest and make you memorable and remarkable. 

Anyone can make your business look prettier.
Not just anyone can make your business better.


We deep dive into your vision and values to uncover the intentional choices and the ‘why’ behind every aspect of your brand. Brand Strategy is what creates results.


Our Expertise


We create a visual brand identity that establishes a cutting-edge, beautiful brand that elevates your business to its potential.


We implement your new brand strategy through every touchpoint of your business and give you the tools and support to introduce your brand to the world.

Brand Strategy

Brand Strategy includes:

  • a brand audit (your business’s check up for brand health)

  • brand values

  • mission and culture

  • messaging

  • positioning & more

What You Gain From Brand Strategy

Beyond consumers being familiar with your brand, an effective brand strategy offers significant benefits to your business: 

1. Build Trust

Consumers are more likely to choose a brand that they’re familiar with and trust. When your target audience sees that your brand is impactful, consistent and well known – they will grow to trust you and therefore, choose you, over any other options. And one step beyond that, once you are trusted by your audience, and they choose to consume your products or services, they are more likely to return to you for business AND refer their community to you as well. 

2. Enhance Customer Experience

The level of familiarity and trust that your customer has with your brand can actually enhance their experience with your product. Even if there are superior products out there to be had. Here’s the thing, if people are going to purchase a product, they are going to cling to the brand that is most popular, most trusted, and most familiar.

3. Establish Brand Loyalty

Brand loyalty happens when a consumer is devoted to a certain service or product and demonstrate their commitment through reoccurring support and repeated investment. By having a powerhouse brand strategy and providing an exceptional customer experience, you assure that your clients will be “lifetime subscribers.” So where does brand loyalty fit into this? Well, much like brand trust and brand recognition – the two go hand-in-hand. If you have high brand recognition, you will be able to achieve brand loyalty.

Having an impactful brand strategy builds confidence in your business, shows your audience who you are and what you stand for, and it makes a lasting impression on your potential clients. When it’s done right, that impression will surpass far beyond just an initial one and land you into the minds and hearts of many. Then it is on you to ensure that those clients are satisfied and loyal. But, having brand recognition can make a big difference in ensuring that.


Brand Design includes:

  • logo design

  • color palettes

  • brand typography

  • business package design

  • email signatures

  • brand identity guidelines

When To Consider A Re-Brand

When we speak to potential clients about rebranding their current assets, we often ask these questions: 

1. Do you have a powerhouse brand that is designed to help you grow your business?

2. Is your brand impactful, intentional and true-to-you?

3. Are you on the right track to accomplishing your goals with your current brand?

4. Do you have a brand?

If you hesitated, or even answered a hard NO to any of those questions, it might be time to reassess your brand strategy.

If you’re ready to brand (or rebrand) your business or just feel ready to learn more, book a free discovery call with our designers today to strategize what we can do for your business. We are ready to help you level-up your business and get you the results you deserve.

Brand Implementation

Brand Implementation needs vary for every brand.

Implementation may include:

  • website design & SEO

  • interior design

  • social media template library

  • signage

  • marketing materials

  • swag, client experience packages or gifts

  • packaging & more

“They bring the combination of exquisite listening to your ideas, and dreams for your project and brand.”

— Amy Trezona
Owner of
Whole Heart Communications and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach

Dream it


Dream it 〰️

Case Study in Eugene, Oregon

Our client Insight Northwest Counseling offers counseling, psychiatric medication management, and psychological testing services to Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. We developed a brand identity, and carried it through to their online presence and physical office space.