The Difference Between a Brand and a Logo


Raise your hand if you think that a logo is synonymous with a brand? If your hand is high, you aren’t alone. A lot, if not most, of the general public see the logo as the only component of a brand — or even that the two are one in the same. While the logo is definitely a big piece of branding, it is not the only piece. The elements of brand design go so much deeper than what’s on the surface and what you see plastered all over your marketing strategy. Branding is an elaborate process that includes a logo and several other elements, but sometimes only your brand designer knows all that goes into it. If you haven’t yet hired a brand designer to give you that insight, this one is for you. Keep reading to learn the difference between a brand and a logo.  

What a logo IS

So, what is a logo? We’ll give you a run-down of the logo here too, just so you have all the knowledge you need to differentiate between the logo and the brand in its entirety.

A logo is, “an easily recognizable graphic symbol that identifies a company, a commercial product, or any public or private entity.” It generally includes a combination of letters and graphics and colors, that are all wrapped up into a symbol that expresses YOU. Essentially, the logo is the face of your brand. It’s the piece that will catch people’s eye and invite them to learn more about you. It’s also the way that people grow to know, recognize and become familiar with you and your business. Having a good logo can bring in your ideal clients and it also can communicate a lot about who you are in a really abbreviated way.

As far as marketing goes, your logo will be the symbol that’s plastered over all your platforms. It will be used on business cards, social media, your website, bumper stickers, the side of buildings…you get the idea.

The Logo Design Process

For such a “small” symbol, there’s a lot of thought and intention that goes into its design. Your brand designer will consider who you are, what you do, why you do it and what you can offer to your potential clients – and they will work to communicate that in a simple and inviting way!

Some of the most important things to consider in the design of your logo include:

1. Get to know your target audience.

First and foremost, you have to figure out who your target audience is. Who is it that you WANT to see your logo? What is it that they want, that only you can offer? The steps we suggest to learning your target audience are:

  • Find their demographic

  • Create an ideal client profile

  • Determine their pain point(s)

  • Decide exactly how YOU can solve their problem(s)

You can’t know how to maximize your logo design until you know who it is you’re wanting it to be in front of – so just start there.

2. Keep it simple.

As humans (and business owners) we tend to want to over-complicate things. You want to make sure all of your values are considered in your logo, so people get the most bang for their buck. However, when it comes to logo design, less is more. The more detail you have, the more confusing, distracting and misleading it can be to your audience. Keeping your design simple (channel your inner minimalist, here) is the best way to appeal to your audience by getting their attention and NOT confusing them.

3. Make it unique.

No matter what it is you do, there’s a big chance that A LOT of other people are doing it too. Even if you are the best in the business, which you definitely are, the world won’t know that if you don’t set yourself apart. Your marketing is the perfect place to do that. In your logo design, you can accomplish many things, but showing that you are different from the other competitors is at the top of the list.

So, make yourself stand out.

4. Focus on versatility.

Your logo is going to be stretched far and wide across your business; from your emails, to your website and even your business card. You want to be sure to create a design that actually works on all of those platforms; that is just as impactful and “fitting” in each area of your business. Collaborate with your designer to create variations of the same design so that you can keep it consistent, but flexible.

5. Legibility, always.

…because what good does a logo do if you can’t understand it? Depending on the fonts being used, logo designs can sometimes be difficult to read. That’s exactly what you don’t want for your design. You want it to be aesthetically appealing, unique – while also being completely unmistakable. The chances are, people are going to flash a quick look at your logo before going on with their busy lives. You want them to be able to read and understand your logo in that split second, or they will never seek out your business again.

What a logo is NOT

…A BRAND. Just kidding, but not really. A logo design is many things, but it is not the only thing. A common misconception about branding your business, is that it begins and ends with a powerhouse logo. While a fabulous logo is important to have, the other components of a true brand package are equally as fundamental. Within your entire brand strategy, your brand designer will help you to create and design, with their knowledge and passion, the perfect brand – which includes your logo. They will keep your logo design in mind as they design other qualities such as selecting fonts, logo variations, custom brand patterns and creating your color palette. The most famous and memorable logos you see have so much more behind them than just that symbol and that is what makes the logo so impactful.

What a Brand Design Entails

If you are starting your own business, or looking to enhance and level up, brand design is the place to start. It’s arguably the worthiest investment, as it not only represents your brand, it also appeals your ideal clients to you and shows them why they like you before they even meet you. How’s that for a first impression?

The components of a brand package include:

  • Logo (see, we told you)

  • Color Palette

  • Typography

  • Business Package Design (envelopes, letterhead, business cards, etc.)

  • Website Design

  • Social Media Graphics

  • Packaging

Just like we said - the logo is at the top of the list, but there are many things that follow below it. Each element of the brand design is equally important and walks hand in hand with one another. Without the color palette, your logo design would struggle. Without fonts, your website design would be scattered. You get the point. Your brand design will be tailored to YOU and what your business needs.

Your brand design is the BIG picture and your logo design is a primary component of that picture.

The Takeaway

There is a long, intricate and purposeful process in creating a brand design for your business. And in our opinion, one that can only truly be best accomplished with the help of the right brand designer. If you are eager to learn more about the design process, check out our process page that dives deep into each step of the journey. Or, you can get the ball rolling by booking a free consultation with us to ask all the questions you can think of!


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