The Do's and Don'ts of Logo Design

The Do's and Don'ts of Logo Design

Logo design is one of the key components to your business’ brand. Some might argue that it is the most important piece to the branding puzzle. Whether you are creating it yourself or outsourcing a brand designer; there’s so much thought, time and intention that should go into building a good logo for your business. You want your logo to speak volumes for your business in the perfect and simple way, but there are certain things you need to know when you start that process. Keep reading to find out the do’s and don’ts of logo design.

What is a logo?

Stated simply, the logo is the symbol that represents your brand. But in reality, it is so much more than that. It is your business’ face, personality, mission and values all in one little design. If it’s done well, it can attract your ideal audience and be the catalyst to gaining clients. If it’s not done well, however, it can do the exact opposite.

So many people underestimate the weight of a logo and what truly goes into the creation of it. It’s easy to think that it is “easy” to make, and anyone can just slap it together quickly, without any experience or knowledge in design. And anyone could do that. But would it be the best logo? Would it convey the heart and soul of their business effectively? Probably not. 

There are many ways to go about creating a logo:

  • A DIY logo that you create yourself with research, tips and tricks and of course, a little help from YouTube University

  • A logo template that you purchase and personalize to fit your needs

  • Hire a design agency to design your logo 

  • Outsource and hire a freelance brand designer (we recommend this team…)

It truly does depend on what you are looking for, how impactful you want your logo to be, and how much you are willing to invest in your business’ brand design. Like we have mentioned several times before, branding your business is an investment. But arguably the worthiest investment you can make in your business. So, if you’re ready and willing to take the leap, investing in your logo design is the best place to start.

When you’re in the process of creating your logo, there are some very clear things that you DO need to consider and implement, and there are also very clear things that you DON’T want to do.

 THE DO’s Of Logo Design:



1. Define and get to know your target audience. 

We’ve also mentioned this before, but one of the first steps in branding your business is figuring out who your target audience is. Once you figure out who they are, you need to really get to know them. You need to learn about what they are, beyond just what they need from you. If you know their pain points, their wants and needs, their passions and their values, you will be better able to create a logo that appeals to them. As much as your brand and logo is about YOU, it is also there basically to attract your ideal client. So, you want to consider them heavily in the creation of your logo.

2. Keep it simple.

There are many things, and I mean many things in life that are already complicated, and owning a business is at the top of the list. With that said, don’t make something simple like a logo more complicated than it needs to be. A logo design should be simple, concise, clear and easy on the eyes. Adding too much detail and “mess” can easily distract from the whole point and message of the logo. Try to remember that in the world of logo design, less is more.

3. Make it unique. 

Your logo is the perfect opportunity to grab your potential client’s attention and show them that YOU are the one for them. It is the first impression and gives you the chance to set yourself apart from all of your “competitors”. Give your logo design a little special touch that shows your personality and what you specifically have to offer them. Each business brings their own unique flare to the table, and your logo is the perfect place to show that off. 

4. Focus on versatility. 

Since your logo is plastered across the board in your business; business cards, your website, your merch, and potentially even billboards (depending on your taste), it is ideal that your logo have the ability to work perfectly wherever it is placed. Create variations of your logo design in color, shape and layout, so you have the freedom to have consistency no matter where or what your logo is doing.

5. Make sure it is legible.

THIS. Have you ever seen a logo and said to yourself, “what the heck does that even say?” I know I have. This goes right alongside of keeping it simple. In your efforts of simplicity, make sure that your fonts and images are clear and legible. It doesn’t matter how beautiful or bold your logo is, if your audience can’t read it – it’s all for not. Making sure your logo is simple, unique AND legible is an art in its own right. That’s where a brand designer might be helpful…wink, wink. 

Now that we’ve covered the things you definitely DO want to consider, let’s go over the things you definitely DON’T want to do in your logo creation. 



1. Overcomplicate things. 

This piggy-backs on number two in the DO’s section up there. Sometimes what could’ve been the perfect logo, goes from good to bad, because we do too much. When you add too much detail, it can not only make your logo illegible or “busy”, but it can also interfere with the scalability. Logos with too much intricate detail will lose that when the logo is on a smaller scale, and the same goes for a larger scale. When you keep your design simple, it is more versatile, legible and please to the audience.

2. Change your logo frequently.

All of the most famous and memorable logos are memorable because of one thing…they have stayed the same. Using your logo, or a variation of it, over the course of time shows consistency and reliability. You want your clients and target audience to remember you. You want them to see your logo and instantly think of your business. Just the way you can see the famous swoosh and instantly think of Nike.

3. Imitate other brands.

This may seem like a no-brainer, but it needs to be said. The goal of your branding and logo design is to stand out. You want to set yourself apart from all the other businesses doing what you’re doing. You don’t want to blend in or look like the business to your left and right – you want to be seen. Not to mention, copying another logo is just a big no-no. That business probably worked hard on THEIR logo, and you taking it out from under them and changing it a little bit is just plain rude. You want to make a logo that’s fresh, bold, unique and specific to you and your business. 

4. Be too literal.

Your logo design should say a lot, with just a little word and imagery. If you have to put an image of what you sell in your logo, you probably are doing it wrong. You don’t need to spell out literally what you are selling or providing, but you want your logo to do that for you. This is when a brand designer becomes really useful. They have the expertise, know-how and creative brain to help you create the best and most intentional logo, without just flat out showing what your business does. 

5. Use too many fonts or colors. 

If your logo design is all over the place and using too many variations of colors and fonts, it will be hard to follow. You want your audience to understand your logo and remember it. You certainly DON’T want your logo to distract from your business or look crazy and unprofessional. A huge and important part of branding is choosing a brand font and a color palette. Sticking to those choices is key in a powerhouse brand. We can also help you cover that whole package and make it a lot easier on you…just sayin’.  

If you use all of these do’s and don’ts when you’re building your business’ logo, you should be able to create something great. If you don’t feel like you’re equipped to do all of this yourself (which is a-okay), don’t hesitate to outsource. There is so much to be said for outsourcing in your business; not only will you know that the tasks are being done well, it also frees up your time and energy to put toward what you really care about.

If you are ready to take the leap in hiring a brand designer for your logo or otherwise, Northwest Brand Design is here – ready and eager to help you build the best brand for your business. We strive to collaborate with you to create a logo that you love AND that works well for your business. Contact us if you’re interested and want to know more!


Professional Logo Design Services


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