The Importance of Branding


There are so many, and we mean SO many things to consider when you are building and running a business. And we don’t take that lightly. Of course in the beginning you are figuring out your purpose and your why; what product are you creating that people want and need, or what service you’re providing that will make people’s lives easier. Beyond that, you’re identifying where you want your business to go and how you’re going to get there. 

But a really integral, and often overlooked step, is branding your business. There are a million and one reasons why branding your business is one of the best moves you can make in building a business and of course, we want to tell you all about them. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of branding and why it’s, in our humble opinion, one of the most pivotal parts of building a successful business.

A Refresher on Branding

If you’ve recently entered into the business ownership world, or are dipping your toes into the shallow end, you may not be familiar with what branding is. If you want to get the full scoop, we suggest you go to this blog post, where we really get down to the nitty-gritty of branding your business and WHY. We’re happy to give you a quick refresher of what branding is. 

In short, branding is creating a voice, personality and face for your business that conveys to your potential clients who you are, what you stand for, what sets you apart from the others and how you’re going to enrich their lives with your product or service. A powerhouse brand with a lot of intention and strategy can set you apart from the rest of the “competition” and helps your clients get to know who you are and what your values are, before even building a relationship with you. Basically, your brand is your first impression. So making it a good one is of the utmost importance.

There are many components that go into the art of branding, beyond just a cool logo. Some of the most important pieces of a brand include:

  • Brand Strategy - the why behind how you communicate your brand - visually and otherwise

  • Logo

  • Website Design

  • Color palette 

  • Typography

With so many factors going into your brand strategy and identity, you can see why hiring a brand designer would be a wise investment. Unless you have the knowledge and experience, creating each of these pieces could be nearly impossible and often will miss important qualities. Reach out to us to chat more about what we can do to help you create the brand of your dreams.

Why Branding is a Must

Now that we’ve jogged your memory on what branding is all about, it’s time for us to explain why it’s so important for your business.

Brings awareness

One of the biggest uphill battles in starting a business is to get noticed. Sure, we have the wonderful world of social media that allows you to access the attention of most of the population. But if what you’re putting in front of them isn’t done with intention and appeal, then it just won’t catch their eye. Let’s face it, there’s probably a huge amount of businesses who are aiming to do the same thing as you, so it’s really important to set yourself apart. Branding your business allows you to get the attention of your ideal client in a positive and impactful way. If a potential client stumbles across your business through your marketing strategy, you want them to be instantly drawn in by the way your business makes them feel.

Establishes recognition 

When you collaborate with a designer to build a brand for your business, the goal is to make a brand that stands out to your audience (in a good way), but also make it so remarkable that when consumers see even the sight of your logo – they know exactly who and what it represents. That is brand recognition. Brand recognition relates to how familiar your audience is with your business. The goal is to make a brand that is easily noticed, recognized and remembered by your audience. Once you’ve achieved the goal of true brand recognition, you will be able to establish more client relationships and a bigger presence in your “niche”. 

Builds trust

The secret to any strong relationship in life is trust. When trust is reciprocated, it allows for the relationship to thrive and continue to grow. The same is true for business. If your potential clients can trust you, they will likely become clients that work with your business for the long haul. That trusting relationship begins the moment you come in contact with your clients and probably, even long before. The reality is, when having their choice of all the businesses out there, they’re going to turn to the one they are familiar with and therefore trust. Consumers will almost always choose to have a relationship with a business that they trust, rather than a business that is the “newest and coolest” in the field. When creating a brand for your business, you are creating a presence in the world that shows what you stand for and what you value. Having a powerhouse brand strategy shows intention, consistency and commitment; all things that clients and customers are drawn to and have a willingness to invest in. 

Allows for brand loyalty

First comes awareness, then recognition, next trust and finally, loyalty. Sure, you may be able to establish all of these steps without a brand for your business, but it would be a heck-of-a-lot harder. And why? Creating a brand for your business is an easy way to achieve ALL of this with your potential clients, and do it in a way that builds a strong foundation and image for your business. Once a consumer has established trust in your business, they will more than likely be quick to return each and every time they are in the market. If you then treat them well and reciprocate a giving investment in them, their loyalty will be long-lasting. People tend to continue choosing the businesses that have served them well, so don’t forget that once you’ve built the brand - you carry those same principles and values into your business practices. 

Helps with marketing

A huge piece of building a successful business is marketing. Depending on the business you run, marketing is probably not your area of expertise. We believe whole-heartedly in outsourcing tasks in your business that aren’t your strengths, to free up your time and resources for the things that are. Marketing is one of those areas. It’s extremely important, but takes a lot of intention and expertise. 

When you have a strong brand, it will carry over into all areas of your business – including marketing. Because most consumers are primarily seeking you out through the internet and social media, your presence on those platforms should be the best you can produce. This is where a brand strategy comes into play. Branding allows for your feed and content to be aesthetically appealing, consistent and true to who you are. Another primary component of branding is website design. Brand designers focus on making your website appealing, user friendly and easy to navigate and informative. This will drive up traffic while also captivating your audience and encouraging them to know, trust and invest in your business.

Where to begin

As you can see, branding is not only important; it is a crucial step in building a successful business. We’d even go as far as saying it’s the most crucial step, but we may be biased. If you want to achieve your goals and do it in the most effective and simple way possible – start with branding. 

The way to go about it is truly up to you. If you feel like you are equipped to do a DIY branding package, that’s great! If you want to level up, that’s why we’re here. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable designers are here and ready to build the most impactful and beautiful brand for your business!

If you’re ready to take the leap, book a free consultation with us today!


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