How to Find the Best Designer for You


You’ve been on the fence about hiring a designer for your business. But after MUCH deliberation, you finally came to the conclusion that you do indeed need a brand designer. You feel relieved, excited, ready and…overwhelmed. The thought of hiring a designer was all fun and games, until you realized just how many fish in the sea there are. How will you ever decide on ONE designer and, furthermore, how will you know that they’re the right designer for you? If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place.

When it comes to big decisions for your business, the overwhelm is real. It’s one thing to check off small things on the list, but brand design is not one of those things. Branding your business is an investment, a leap of faith and an incredible way to level-up your business and separate you from the rest. So, once you’ve made the decision to commit and hire a designer, it is even more important to hire the right designer for you. But what does that look like? 

Once you dive into the world of brand design, you realize just how much actually goes into the design process. Branding your business is not to be taken lightly and neither is choosing who does it. There are many things to consider in the hunt for the right designer for you, and we are here to help give you the tools to make the most informed and right choice for your business. Here is a list of things to consider above all else. 


The Takeaway

Choosing to brand your business is a huge hurdle in the realm of business decision making. Knowing how to find the right designer for you is even bigger. With the things we just listed, we hope that you can set out on your search for the right designer with confidence, clarity and an open mind. There are so many designers out there who are ready and eager to work with YOU, it’s just a matter of finding and connecting with them. Tap into your social media networks, utilize the ever-amazing Google or even better, lean on word-of-mouth recommendations. Do your due diligence and don’t hesitate to “date around” and have some fun with discovery calls along the way. Branding your business is no small feat and finding the right designer for you is what will make it all worth it in the end.

How can we help you?

At Northwest Brand Design we are eager to bring your business to life with a powerful, unique and refined brand strategy. We start with open and clear communication and we strive to truly learn about your business and what it embodies, so we can create a brand that is best for YOU. We work together with you to create the perfect brand that will level-up your business, set you apart from the competition and attract and land your ideal clients.

If you are ready to jump into the world of branding your business and want to know more about how we can help you, hop on a quick discovery call with us! We are so excited to chat with you.


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