Branding a Business and Why You NEED To



If you are considering branding your business but aren't sure it’s necessary, look no further. Take it from someone who's job is to create brands, the answer is a resounding YES. If you’ve done any research on branding, you probably know that it isn’t cheap. And if you’re anything like we were before beginning our careers in design, you may look at the price of branding packages and think to yourself, “why does it cost THAT much?” Branding a business is an investment, but undoubtedly one of the most worth it. So why do you need to brand your business? We'll cover that in a second, but first let's start with explaining WHAT branding is.


By dictionary definition, branding is, "the promoting of a product or service by identifying it with a particular brand." But it's so, so much more than that. Visually, it is your...

  • logo

  • website design

  • color palette

  • email signature

  • typography and so much more

Essentially, your brand is the face and voice of your business. With an intentional, unique and bold brand strategy and implementation, your business can stand out in a sea of other companies just like it. If it's done the right way, giving your business a brand can be the most pivotal step you take. Now that we've covered WHAT branding is, let's dive into WHY you need it. And if you need help creating your brand, we’ve got your back.

Branding your business...


For a second, think of your business as a person. Let's face it, our businesses are our babies, anyway. Just as there are billions of people in the world, there are infinite businesses. There are countless companies with similar ideas, offering almost the same services. But just like people, no two businesses are exactly the same. What you have to offer your client, is unique to YOU. And do you want to know the best way to express that? You guessed it...BRANDING.

As the appearance and personality of your business, a brand will ultimately be what defines you for years to come. Establishing your brand in an intentional and effective way can not only make you stand out in the crowd, it will also attract your most ideal clients.

The branding process has so much depth and intention required, and even the thought could overwhelm any business owner. Teaming up with a professional (we might know of some...) to strategize, create and implement the perfect brand for your baby is the smartest and most effective way to set you apart from the competition. In the line-up of all the average Janes, you definitely want to be the Beyoncé or the always remember them.


We've said it before and we'll say it again. You can't expect anyone to invest in your company, if you don't invest in it yourself. That's the hard truth. Investing in a brand for your business shows that you truly believe in your mission and what you have to offer. If you believe in your business, it shows. If potential clients can see upon first glance that you know your worth, believe in yourself and want them to, as well, they are going to want to be pickin' up what you're puttin' down. The best and most effective way to get that message across, is through brand strategy.

Investing in your brand, while it may be scary or even seem unnecessary, is incredibly crucial in communicating to your potential client that you care about your business and that you are ready to care about theirs. Your brand should say, "I pour my heart and soul into my business, and THAT is what we will do in our work together." If your brand isn't quite there, let us help you.


A good brand strategy can elevate your business from surviving to thriving, almost overnight.

Say you've owned your business for years and feel it collecting dust, it might be time for a new brand. You may be bringing in clients and "doing well", but with a rebrand you could find that new-business spark again. A new brand strategy can serve as the perfect reminder of WHY you started in the first place, which we all need at some point.

If you're a brand new business owner, you probably aren't searching for that "new-business spark" I just mentioned. So, why brand? Whether your business is old or new, it still needs the unique and personal touch that only a good brand identity can provide. Obviously, having the structure and logistics sorted, and all your t's crossed and i's dotted is of the utmost importance in a functioning business. But what will really make your product and mission come alive is the life that branding brings to the table. Give your business a personality and a voice, you won't regret it.


In life, if you dress up as or act like anything other than yourself, you end up surrounded by people who just don't "fit" well with you. But if you share the most genuine and authentic version of yourself, the company you keep and the people you attract will likely be ones that you work well with and (hopefully) enjoy being around. The same is true in creating a brand for your business.

When you work to create the perfect brand that eloquently expresses exactly who you are in your business, you are likely to attract your ideal client. Building a connection on authenticity right from the start will breed a genuine and organic working relationship, which is what we all should strive for. The "right" fit in a business/client relationship is only sustainable when it's built on a solid ground of transparency and authenticity. Creating a brand that is most true to you and your voice will allow you to work WITH and FOR all the right people.

One more time for the people in the back…


Branding is the act of creating a face and voice for your business. It's the logo, typography, color palette, web design AND it's the values and personality behind all of those visual pieces. Your brand strategy and design will carry through every detail of your business from the inside out. With consistency and intention, it can create the perfect personality for your business.


Your brand...

  • sets you apart from other businesses - your brand is what makes you stand out amongst all of the other businesses reaching for the same goals. It makes your first impression and communicates your unique value. What do you want your impression to be?

  • shows the value of your company - if you don't invest in yourself, how do you expect others to invest in you? Creating a brand shows that you believe in yourself and that will translate to your potential client.

  • breathes life into your business - branding is a game changer for your business. It can bring an extra boost to a business that has lost it’s mojo, or a business that has yet to find it.

  • attracts your ideal client - a personalized brand identity that is built for and unique to YOU, will attract the clients best suited for you. A working relationship can be so seamless when you're working with the right people.


Yesterday! Just kidding, kind of. In all seriousness, the time to brand your business is now. While branding is an easy thing to put off for later or easily talk yourself out of, it's a leap of faith that is well-worth making and soon.

Branding your business is not just a good idea, it's essential. It is an investment that provides return long-term, attracts your ideal clients, enhances your business drastically and shows your audience that you truly believe in yourself. We ALL need that.

If you're in the market for a designer who is passionate about working with you to create and implement a powerhouse brand for your business, let's chat!! We guarantee that once you're done, the only regret you'll have is not doing it sooner.


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