How to know when is it time for a rebrand?

A rebrand is the process of changing a company’s brand identity with the goal to improve user experience and the overall business. Rebranding is no small task, it can be costly and time consuming, which is why It's important to know the right time to go through the process. 

There can also be a lot of confusion around what branding actually is so it’s important to note that “branding” is so much more than your logo and colors you use, it’s the entire customer experience. Your branding should bring awareness, establish recognition, build trust, allow for brand loyalty and help with marketing. A successful rebrand can help generate more sales, increase customer loyalty, and help you reach new markets.

How to know it’s time for a rebrand

1. You are not standing out from your competitors

If your brand is blending into the background or only follows trends you may not be reaching your target audience and be missing out on a lot of business. A rebrand can be great to reevaluate your mission, values and what makes your business unique. The process can involve taking a deep dive into all components of a brand and a rebrand will ensure that they are aligned with your business goals and target audience. Learn more about how to stand out from the crowd here.

2. Your customers have changed

It is a waste of your time and resources to target the wrong people, because really, they aren’t all that interested. If your customer base has changed or you are trying to reach a new demographic it could be essential to update your brand identity to target new audiences. It’s crucial to resonate with your target audience to build your brand identity.

A brand strategy will help assess your target demographic and build a brand identity that fits your goals. Learn more about the branding process here.

3. Your company has grown or your services have changed

Growth is wonderful for your business, but if your brand identity doesn’t also grow with your business, it could have a negative impact on sales. If your company has added new products or services, shifted your goals or raised prices, it may be time to give your brand identity a refresh to reflect the new value you bring. 

4. Your branding is inconsistent 

If your messaging doesn’t match your values and goals, customers take notice and it could result in lower brand awareness. A rebrand is a great way to build a positive reputation and make a lasting impression on your customers.

How we can help you

Generally speaking, it's a good idea to rebrand if you have been in business for a long time and your current branding doesn't accurately reflect your current offerings or values. Additionally, if your business has gone through a major change or evolution, it can be beneficial to update your brand to reflect that. Ultimately, the decision to rebrand is a personal one, so it's important to weigh the pros and cons and decide if the benefits are worth it for your business. Our team of experienced and knowledgeable designers are here and ready to build the most impactful and beautiful brand for your business!

If you’re interested in our branding services, you can visit this page on our website to learn more. We offer a FREE 30-minute consultation that allows you to ask any questions, get to know us and learn about our process.

We can’t wait to collaborate with you!


Branding a Business and Why You NEED To


RGB, CMYK—WTF?!; Colors and how to use them