Iconic: Using icons to enhance your brand and marketing assets

Icons: Small graphics that provide information at a glance.

In the design world, icons are visual representations of information, commands, directions, or calls to action. These bite-sized graphics can also be used to reinforce your brand identity by using consistent colors, imagery, textures, and line weights. Studies show that human brains process imagery 60,000 times faster than text, so in addition to being pleasing to look at, these graphics also allow prospective clients to move through your messaging more efficiently and retain that information.

Often, a brand will employ a series of icons— this can range from 3–100 or more— to help break up information, explain a process, and effectively convey key brand messages. Icons also use common imagery found in daily life to trigger recognition. For example, a company that sells a GPS system wants to market their latest product. Their ad copy “YOU ARE HERE” is getting lost in the weeds on their assets, and is not impactful. They might employ the “pin” that we have seen countless times on maps or wayfinding signs, but translate it into a style that fits their brand.


Iconography can also be used on digital assets to break up text, or provide digital wayfinding on a device or website. Consider your phone— how do you navigate your applications? App icons represent a brand with little to no text, but you immediately know which one is which because of the consistency with the brand itself. For example, the camera on the Instagram app icon. Iconography provides a more appealing visual representation of the product or service, which makes them more enjoyable to use than traditional text-based links. Additionally, icons are often used in infographics. For example, in Instagram carousels, along with copy or statistics, to visually represent the post’s topic.

Now, we know what you might be thinking— “There is a plethora of online resources that have generic icon libraries that you can license. Why shouldn’t I just use one of those instead of paying for a custom system?”

It is true. These resources exist and often have great work available! However, chances are, other brands in the same space are also using these resources. And while you can purchase a license that allows you to use this art for your marketing assets, you do not have exclusive rights to these graphics. This means that anyone can purchase that same license to use the icons as part of their brand, and your messaging no longer stands out as a front runner. Additionally, as these resources are generic and not customized to fit your brand, they can actually do you a disservice by creating brand confusion with your audience.


Simply put, icons benefit your brand for the following reasons: 

Reinforce Brand Recognition

Using consistent brand elements reinforces your unique style and tone, provides consistent and recognizable imagery to your audiences, and builds brand loyalty.

Simplify Messaging

Breaks down information and makes it more digestible to your target audience ultimately encouraging your customers and clients to take action and work with you.

Grab Attention

A custom icon system will set you apart from your competitors, and make you stand out when potential customers are looking for your brand.

Cross-Platform Utilization

An effective icon system can be used on print and digital platforms: websites, applications, signs, social media, newsletters, packaging, & more! It is an investment that can be utilized again and again in your brand’s marketing.

Icons are a fun way to create a visual shorthand to communicate your brand’s messaging and tone. Remember, it is important to keep them simple, consistent, and impactful. 

Interested in learning more about creating a custom icon system for your brand? We’re happy to chat further! Please reach out to us at hello@nwbranddesign.com.


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