Creating Stability & Success

Creating Stability Success

I spent an hour with a 30+ year entrepreneur, business coach & marketing guru talking about how to create stability and success for your business so you don’t have to.

I’ve been digging deep and diving into business and marketing strategy so I can share with all of you. I spent some time listening to a 30+ year entrepreneur, business coach and marketing strategist who has been through four economic downturns. He shared his wisdom and knowledge about how to navigate some of the most burning questions we all have about creating stability in your business. I’m sharing the tips that stood out to me in hopes that they will help you too.


Massively Resourceful > Full of Resources

One of the biggest things that sets people apart is those who are massively resourceful vs. those who are just full of resources. It all boils down to our mindset. We’ve been riding on a 10 year high in our economy and probably all of our businesses. This may be the first downturn some of us have seen as business owners. It can be a scary time with a lot of unknown. The people who will thrive the most are those who are willing to invest in learning, listen to advice, soak up knowledge and try anything to help their businesses instead of resting on laurels.

Listening to the news, seeing what is happening in our country, and feeling the economic downturn can be scary. There are a lot of fears and uncertainties. But real talk, nothing truly good comes from a fearful place. I always say that we are at our worst when we are in fear. This isn’t a time to be at our worst, it’s a time to prepare, stay positive and put our best foot forward. However, fear is normal. We are going to feel fear. But here’s what to do to turn that fear into something productive.

  1. Acknowledge your fear.

  2. Take advice. Identify the cause of your fear and look to someone who has been through it before. Listen to what they have to say and apply it in your own life.

  3. Ask yourself “Who do I want to be at the end of this?” Seriously. Write this down.

  4. Ask yourself “What do I want to do about this?” When you look back on this time, what is it that you want to have been doing? What can you start doing today to get there?


The Direction of Business

We are all going online, at least for the time being. How can you take your business, your skills, and knowledge and offer it online? People are still buying. It’s up to you to meet them where they are. What can you offer right now to help people with real knowledge?

Whatever your business is, you have value. There are people who can benefit from what have to offer. I challenge you to start thinking of ways you can share your knowledge online. What if you created a Zoom meeting to share a specific topic? It could be marketing tips, gardening best practices or home DIYs, pantry meal recipes, makeup tutorials, fundraising tips, virtual wine tasting or cooking classes, etc! The list is endless! What if you invited all of your customers, clients and audience to join this Zoom call? Can you imagine the value of the community you’d be creating? Even if there’s 2 people or 200 people, they all chose to hear what you have to say and learn from you.

Take this shift in the direction of business to fix it yourself. Be proactive and go after what you want. Prepare by working on yourself and your mindset rather than waiting for someone else to shift the direction for you.


The Best Opportunities for Success

  1. Obsessively work on your mindset. Work on building your internal motivation and strengthening the positive outlook that will serve you well amidst uncertainty.

  2. Be a part of the knowledge industry. Where can you deliver value from what is inside your head? Do the research and share this digitally.


How to Stop Procrastinating

We’ve all been here. Procrastination is something that affects all of us, even in the best of times. Here are a few tips for how to overcome procrastination and stagnation when things get hard:

  1. Every morning write down the top 4-6 things you must accomplish that day. What are the things that would have the biggest impact on moving the needle in your life? (Think back on the answer to your questions above: who do I want to be at the end of this? What do I want to do about this?)

  2. Write down the end result of accomplishing those 4-6 things. How will you feel when you get them done? How will it help you achieve your goals? This is your why! This removes the excuses.


What Sets You Apart

Be Authentic. When things are chaotic, it can be easy to feel like you are shouting into the void. Or it can feel weird sharing or selling anything right now. I get it. It’s up to you to change your messaging and address people’s hearts. What you do is valuable. Take your skills, think of how you can help people and communicate that! Tell it like it is and be real. The world needs that now more than ever. Be the most authentic person in the (figurative) room. Your audience wants to know the realest you. Share your experience, share your results, and share that you care. The way to stand out is caring more than anybody else. If you are passionate about what you’re doing, it shows.

Set an Example and Be a Role Model. Be an active part of your communities. This can be on social media, online, with family, group messages, email lists, etc. Comment, share, like and encourage other people and they will be driven to do the same. Be comfortable doing more than other people do. Be energized by being an underdog when you’re faced with challenges. Actions speak so much louder than words. Be willing to make mistakes and ask for help but do more than anyone else. That is how you’ll set an example. People will remember how you navigated challenges.


How to Stay Calm & Strong

  1. There is strength in softness. Be honest and gentle with yourself and get in the right mindset. Acknowledge what is happening inside and outside of yourself and identify how you want to react to it.

  2. Ask yourself “Who do I want to be right now?” Think about this question often and it will help you find courage in the face of fear and focus on your true north.


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