What is Branding?


If you’re in the beginning stages of owning a business, you have a lot going on. There is so much to manage and so much to consider. You’re likely focusing not only on perfecting the product you’re selling or service you’re providing – but trying to master all the many moving parts that go into bringing it all together. The financial side, the securing the client and onboarding, the correspondence…it’s never-ending. At the end of the day, there seems to be just enough of you and your time and energy to stay afloat. In all of those to-do lists and essential tasks, you just might be forgetting one of the most important and necessary components to starting a successful business; branding. 

Branding is an often overlooked, but very important step in growing a business and there are about a million reasons why – don’t know them? You’re going to learn today! Obviously as a branding and website design business, we know the ins and outs of what branding is all about, but we also know the importance of branding your business. What may seem like a someday investment, is actually the thing that can take your business to the next level. If you’re considering branding your business but don’t know where the heck to start or what it even entails, you’re in the right place. So, what is branding? Let’s get started on finding out.


The Definition of Branding 

If you’re looking for the technical definition, Webster says that branding is, "the promoting of a product or service by identifying it with a particular brand." But we don’t really think that that quite conveys all of what branding really is. Branding in our terms, is creating a voice, personality and face of your business that tells your target audience who you are, what you value and what you will bring to them. A good branding strategy implemented in your business will set you apart from all the rest and make you memorable and remarkable.  

Let’s dive a little deeper into the branding components, shall we?

1. Logo

You’ll probably recognize these logos immediately upon viewing them. They catch your eye, are simple and legible and can be used in any size and format.

A logo is a symbol that is composed of image and text that represents your business. A logo should convey your mission and values in an intentional and powerful symbol. When a logo is done the “right” way, you’ll be able to understand upon quick glance what the business provides and what they’re all about. Logo designs should be…

  • Short, sweet and to the point. Minimal and intentional. 

  • Legible and easy to understand.

  • Unique. Something that really sets you apart: 

  • Versatile; so it can be used in all sizes and formats.


2. Website design

Your website design is a huge piece of your brand identity. When your target audience first hears your name, they’ll probably very quickly want to learn more about you. Where will they go first? Your website. From there, it’s so important that they are met with a website that is appealing to them instantly. As they navigate around your site, they’ll gather their opinions fairly quickly and decide whether or not they are interested in working with you. Making your website inviting and aesthetically appealing can make or break your biz. 

Some attributes that make a powerhouse website are… 

  • Aesthetically inviting 

  • Clear and concise; easy to read and understand 

  • User friendly and easy to navigate


3. Color Palette

Every good brand strategy begins with a solid color palette. The color palette of your brand not only appeals to your audience in an aesthetic sense, it also is yet another way to convey your business’ values and mission. You may be under the impression that a color palette is just a group of shades that you choose at random because you love them, or because you think they look “good”. But it’s so much more than that. In the world of graphic and brand design, each color represents a feeling, a value and a message.  

When creating your brand’s color palette, here are the things you should consider:

What are the main values of your brand?

  • How would you briefly describe your ideal client?

  • What are 3-5 colors that first come to mind when you think about your business?

  • When thinking of your brand, how do you want your client to feel?

  • What are a few adjectives you would use to describe your brand?

After spending some intentional time answering those questions, you can begin to create the perfect color palette for your brand. This process can be difficult and overwhelming, and that’s where a brand designer can come in handy. Brand designers, like us, have a knowledge and expertise on color palettes and would be able to help you create the best one for your biz with ease.  


4. Brand Font

An important and sometimes over-looked component of a brand identity is a brand font. As a business, you want to show consistency, organization and reliability. And having a consistent font across all of your brand components will convey all of those qualities to your ideal clients and so much more. A brand without a font can often seem unprofessional, messy and inconsistent; all things that will hold your business back from the success you are capable of.

Some positive attributes that a brand font carries:

Consistency and reliability

If all the words in your brand are consistently the same font, it will show your ideal clients that you are organized, intentional and reliable.

Easily recognized 

When people see your brand, they will note the font you use without even realizing it. You want it to set you apart and stick out to your audience.


Your brand needs to be memorable, and your font is the perfect way to do that. When you use a brand font strategy, people will immediately associate that font with your brand and trigger them to remember you.

Aesthetically pleasing

Having a brand font(s) just looks good. When someone looks at your website or social media marketing and sees a beautiful and consistent font throughout, it will be more appealing to their eye.

Think of your favorite brands, both big and small. Do they have a clear brand font(s) or are their fonts all over the place? It’s likely that the brand’s that have stuck with you the most, are the ones who have a uniform font used in all aspects of their brand. Whether it’s in newsletters, social media posts, website design or email signature – using a consistent font packs a big punch in the realm of branding. 

5. Typography

It’s common to see brand fonts and typography as interchangeable or one-in-the-same. But don’t be mistaken, they are completely different. Typography is, “the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable and appealing when displayed.” Essentially, the typography of your brand refers to the presentation of your type in both your logo and other marketing components. It’s not the font or type itself, but rather the way it is arranged and presented.

Things that are considered in your brand’s typography are…

  • Typefaces

  • Point sizes

  • Line lengths

  • Line-spacing

  • Letter-spacing

Typography can be a rather complex process that requires knowledge and intention. If you aren’t a designer that specializes in the world of typography, it can feel impossible to utilize typography strategy to your brand’s advantage. When it comes to typography, a brand designer’s expertise and eye for creative design can be what separates a mediocre brand for your business and one that will land you your ideal clients. If you are interested in learning more about typography and all the other branding components, we are here and ready to discuss what we can do for your business. 


Is it time to brand your business? 

Without hesitation, the answer to that question is an unequivocal and resounding, YES! We’ve known it all along, but hopefully after reading all of this you do too. Branding your business is not only one of those necessary investments, but it is truly one of the most make or break choices you can make. Giving your business a face, personality, presence and clear value will set you apart from the other businesses you are in competition with and propel you into success in a way nothing else can. 

If you are ready to take the leap into branding your business, or even just want to know more about all of the details, book a free call with us today! We are ready and excited to collaborate with you to create the most kickass brand, catered to your business and all that you stand for.  


How to Get your Brand to Stand Out